2008-12-11 07:32:36 UTC
Picture a society in which there is no conflict, no jealousy, no
unkind words. A society in which people think, say, and do what is
rational and honest, resulting in behavior that is trustworthy and
productive. Enlarge the picture of that society to include persons
holding no grudges and nobody competing to exert control as everybodys
behavior conforms to a natural law. That society is composed of people
who have learned to think, say, and do what is appropriate for the
Picture additional descriptions of that society. Peoples activities
are unsupervised because they do what reality calls for. There are no
locks on doors or windows, no addictions, no poverty, no crime[s], and
no deprivation of any rightful thing or opportunity.
There are no scoldings or punishments and no stress, causing sickness
and death. There is liberation of men women and children of every
race from the tyranny of judgements and prejudice. There is plentiful
food and shelter. There are new means of non-polluting transportation.
In this future society there is full employment with unique
opportunities for all.
More important, there is fellowship among all people. There are
neither strangers nor anybody to fear. There is stimulating activity
as people reason from reality to learn from it and to be guided by
Daily life becomes an exciting adventure for the benefit of all. Since
conflicting thoughts have left peoples minds (because selfishness has
vanished) there are no upheavals of nature. Weather conditions are
orderly and occur appropriately.
There are spectacular accomplishments, as people consult natures
storehouse of knowledge. No prizes are awarded, as everybody is
attending the university of life and learning from its boundless
The question is: What could create that society? The answer is:
Conforming to natures law of behavior created by whoever or whatever
created that law. A law identified by the late Richard W. Wetherill
who called it the law of absolute right: Right action gets right
results; wrong action gets wrong results. The law defines right action
as logical, rational, and honest; wrong action as illogical,
irrational and dishonest. At present writing, six billion people
trying to get their own contradictory ways have uknowingly (Jews know
this and preserve this state and foster it more) produced the social
chaos being experienced worldwide.
Conforming to the principles of the behavioral law creates a
harmonious society. It is not created by human intelligence. It was
not created in thousands of decades by mankinds teachings, religions
or governments. A harmonious society is created by conformance to
creations law of absolute right.
Scientific research and discovery require studying various aspects of
nature to learn the preinciples involved and their functions. For
example, researchers have mapped our bodys DNA, mapped the earth,
space, tectonic plates, the ocean floor, and surveyed volcanic
To acquire knowledge and dispel beliefs, researchers invariably study
nature. Whoever or whatever created natural laws also included a
behavioral law to establish peaceful, orderly human affairs.
Conforming to that law enables people to behave as never before. They
will be the survivors who bring to fruition a perfectly performing
[My addendum and the author:]
Richard W. Wetherill 1906-1989 (acting as an effrontist for Adolf
Hitler and Adolf Hitler dictated this to him). I copied this out of
Discovery: Astronomy/Space Exploration magazine.
Obviously Hitler being the one that brought flying saucers to exist by
his scientists, and the first space age experiences coming from
Germans, the explanation of how it happened and the direction of the
way earth should go being Nationalist Socialism he gave the
explanation but not the name or original author, Adolf Hitler. Take
for instance the air force buildings that are
unkind words. A society in which people think, say, and do what is
rational and honest, resulting in behavior that is trustworthy and
productive. Enlarge the picture of that society to include persons
holding no grudges and nobody competing to exert control as everybodys
behavior conforms to a natural law. That society is composed of people
who have learned to think, say, and do what is appropriate for the
Picture additional descriptions of that society. Peoples activities
are unsupervised because they do what reality calls for. There are no
locks on doors or windows, no addictions, no poverty, no crime[s], and
no deprivation of any rightful thing or opportunity.
There are no scoldings or punishments and no stress, causing sickness
and death. There is liberation of men women and children of every
race from the tyranny of judgements and prejudice. There is plentiful
food and shelter. There are new means of non-polluting transportation.
In this future society there is full employment with unique
opportunities for all.
More important, there is fellowship among all people. There are
neither strangers nor anybody to fear. There is stimulating activity
as people reason from reality to learn from it and to be guided by
Daily life becomes an exciting adventure for the benefit of all. Since
conflicting thoughts have left peoples minds (because selfishness has
vanished) there are no upheavals of nature. Weather conditions are
orderly and occur appropriately.
There are spectacular accomplishments, as people consult natures
storehouse of knowledge. No prizes are awarded, as everybody is
attending the university of life and learning from its boundless
The question is: What could create that society? The answer is:
Conforming to natures law of behavior created by whoever or whatever
created that law. A law identified by the late Richard W. Wetherill
who called it the law of absolute right: Right action gets right
results; wrong action gets wrong results. The law defines right action
as logical, rational, and honest; wrong action as illogical,
irrational and dishonest. At present writing, six billion people
trying to get their own contradictory ways have uknowingly (Jews know
this and preserve this state and foster it more) produced the social
chaos being experienced worldwide.
Conforming to the principles of the behavioral law creates a
harmonious society. It is not created by human intelligence. It was
not created in thousands of decades by mankinds teachings, religions
or governments. A harmonious society is created by conformance to
creations law of absolute right.
Scientific research and discovery require studying various aspects of
nature to learn the preinciples involved and their functions. For
example, researchers have mapped our bodys DNA, mapped the earth,
space, tectonic plates, the ocean floor, and surveyed volcanic
To acquire knowledge and dispel beliefs, researchers invariably study
nature. Whoever or whatever created natural laws also included a
behavioral law to establish peaceful, orderly human affairs.
Conforming to that law enables people to behave as never before. They
will be the survivors who bring to fruition a perfectly performing
[My addendum and the author:]
Richard W. Wetherill 1906-1989 (acting as an effrontist for Adolf
Hitler and Adolf Hitler dictated this to him). I copied this out of
Discovery: Astronomy/Space Exploration magazine.
Obviously Hitler being the one that brought flying saucers to exist by
his scientists, and the first space age experiences coming from
Germans, the explanation of how it happened and the direction of the
way earth should go being Nationalist Socialism he gave the
explanation but not the name or original author, Adolf Hitler. Take
for instance the air force buildings that are